Today, more than ever, Americans are taking a stand against debt, both personally and within their business. It IS possible to live a debt free life, if you're prepared for a few uncomfortable years dumping your lenders.
It’s hard to escape the excitement surrounding PLR Expo 2015. From social media posts (and videos! Seriously – Dan Murray is a pro!) to announcements across industry resources, it’s pretty clear a lot of professionals in the “Property Loss Restoration” (PLR) industry are going to be in Toronto next month.
In the world of contents restoration, there are a number of niche areas: textiles, furniture, electronics, etc. It seems a lot of people are ready to tackle that first category hands-on.
It’s 5:30 a.m. on the morning of Mother’s Day 2015. While most people across the U.S. are fast asleep or pondering, making Mom breakfast in bed, Dana Jennings is answering a call for help from a local restaurant owner.