The passing of each decade brings numerous achievements big and small. However, time seems to have sped up with the light-speed adoption of technological advances, right?
Every single woman had an impressive resume. A few had some traits and success that especially stood out. You likely saw a few quotes from other women in restoration throughout this article.
Shelli’s tenure in the restoration and construction industries has come in waves. From about 2000 to 2008, she co-owned a restoration and construction company, but it was taken out by the housing market crash.
This is not an industry for the weak. This is not an industry for the self-absorbed. This is not an industry for people who only care about the bottom line and making as much money as they possibly can.
In every aspect of life, there is room to compare. Who has the bigger house, the faster car, the smarter or more athletic child, the more profitable company, the most influence in the community, the biggest paycheck, the most exotic vacations, and so on.
As I was trying to figure out what to write for this month’s column, I stumbled upon this quote – and boy did it strike me as profound. This can be read on so many levels!
The United States gets more tornadoes than any other place on earth, by far. The National Centers for Environmental Information says the U.S. sees about 1,250 tornadoes per year; Canada is a close second with about 100 per year.
Flood houses offer a unique way for restoration companies to train employees on drying methods and equipment before sending them out to a real water loss.