Think you can’t give yourself a short vacation because the stakes are too high? You’re wrong. Those high stakes are precisely why you must take a break.
It doesn’t matter if you’re negotiating with a buyer for a better rate or you’re negotiating with yourself for time and money to put towards self-improvement. In every circumstance, what you can achieve begins with your self-worth.
No matter what industry you’re in, you’re bombarded with experts telling you how to grow. Some are partially informative. Some have a few good points. Some…not so much.
Culture doesn't just happen overnight, and when a healthy culture isn't created and nurtured, negativity and an unhealthy environment can quickly follow.
There are hundreds, if not thousands, of lists talking about what an interviewee should do if they want to nail the interview and get that job. There are far fewer lists about what the company should do while interviewing. Because of that, here are some things to remember not to do if you plan on interviewing a prospective hire any time soon.
Spex recently announced that insurance claims industry veteran Jay Contreras joined the company in the role of vice president of sales and business development.