Regardless of whether you’re a longtime service provider or a novice in the industry, disinfection of dangerous pathogens in the healthcare industry can be a daunting task consisting of numerous variables.
Before retiring, as a 28 year firefighter/paramedic, I administered NARCAN® (the brand name for Naloxone Hydrochloride) to more than 3,000 people throughout South Florida who were exhibiting drug overdose-like symptoms.
During the methamphetamine manufacturing process, chemical compounds become airborne (volatilized) and settle out, depositing onto walls, into heating/cooling units, ceilings, appliances, floors, carpets, and other typical household items throughout the building’s interior.
GBAC is a recognized leader in training, education, and certification in Forensic Restoration® biorisk management, decontamination, and infection-control disciplines.
In the early part of the 1900s, a woman named Mary Mallon worked in the New York City area for several families. She appeared healthy, yet she was a carrier of a deadly disease and the cause of several serious outbreaks.
A project to clean up and restore one of the most significant landmarks along the waterfront of New Bedford, Massachusetts, has been recognized for engineering excellence by the American Council of Engineering Companies of Massachusetts (ACEC/MA). The annual ACEC/MA Engineering Excellence Awards recognize engineering achievements demonstrating the highest degree of merit and ingenuity.