Catastrophe situations typically involve numerous flood claims, making for brisk business for restoration companies. When a property owner states they have insurance, it would be wise to clarify if it is going to be a standard property claim, or insurance through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
The next disaster is imminent. It always is. That might be a Debbie Downer attitude, but it’s the truth, especially when you think about disaster on a more local scale. While a hurricane can impact a dozen states and trigger an emergency declaration by the president, there are a lot of small communities that face their own disasters much more frequently.
The mission of Response Team 1 reflects the essence of what the company does – getting life back to normal quickly and correctly for its property restoration and disaster loss recovery customers.
El Nino is something we’ve all heard of in passing conversations here and there, but few know what the weather event actually entails, what it means for them, their homes, or in the restoration industry, for their business.