Dan Murray, a 30-year veteran of the disaster restoration industry, and Donald Cooper, a renowned marketing and management coach, are presenting a special “Accelerate Your Business” two-day management boot camp April 13-14 at the Fireline Training Center in Scottsdale, AZ.
Drop me in any city around the world – Amsterdam, Berlin, Quebec, Rome, Zurich – and I’ll end up in the oldest, most historical district that burg has to offer.
Over the years, I have had the same question asked numerous times: How do we get paid when both the lender and the property owner are loss payees on the check from the insurance company?
Registration is now open for the 2015 Contractor Connection Conference & Expo, which will be held from June 16-18 at the Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center in Orlando, FL.
As a newcomer to the restoration and remediation industry, you quickly learn that remediation gets rid of the bad stuff while restoration replaces the good stuff.