What's Happening at The Experience Convention and Tradeshow?

PreCon Workshops

Prepare to immerse yourself in the art and science of carpet restoration through our enriching educational workshops, thoughtfully designed to precede the main event. Delve into the intricacies of preserving and reviving carpets of all eras and materials, guided by experts in the field. These pre-event workshops offer a unique opportunity to learn hands-on techniques, from color matching and weaving to stain removal and historical preservation. Whether you're a seasoned professional looking to refine your skills or a passionate enthusiast eager to explore the world of carpet restoration, these workshops pave the way for a comprehensive and enlightening experience, setting the stage for the main event dedicated to celebrating the timeless beauty of restored carpets.

See the PreCon Workshops on The Experience agenda

Apple A Day Give Aways
Apple A Day Giveaways

September 4th and 5th
6:10 PM
September 6th
2:40 PM

Get ready to take a bite out of excitement with our innovative twist on traditional contests! As attendees, you won't be handed mere raffle tickets; instead, you'll receive a crisp and delicious apple, each one representing your entry into a realm of prizes and surprises. These juicy tokens of luck will not only tantalize your taste buds but also grant you the chance to win extraordinary rewards. As the event unfolds, the anticipation will grow as we announce the lucky winners, turning every apple into a potential jackpot. So, savor the flavor of fun and anticipation, and let the apple of your choice pave the way to a sweet victory!

Must be present in the exhibit hall to win, Apples come in many forms, varieties, and sizes

Registration Cocktail Reception
September 3rd 4pm - 6pm Registration

Beat the lines and pick up your badges and show material at the Registration Reception. Visit with new and old friends, have a beverage and enjoy some light snacks while causally networking and getting a lay of the land for The Fall Experience.

Industry Party

September 4th

Don’t Miss this Party!!! Party Like it's the Rat Pack Days of Old Vegas at The Experience Industry Party – Food and Drinks will be available along with fun, Vegas, Rat Pack Style entertainment. All Sponsors, Attendees and Exhibitors Invited.

Diamond & Platinum Attendee Lounge

Reserved for The Experience attendees that have garnered the designation of a Diamond or Platinum member, this lounge is available during show hours to rest, work, have a snack and catch up with other Diamond & Platinum Attendees. This lounge is reserved only for those that have earned the Diamond and Platinum attendee honor by being a long time and appreciated attendee of the events.

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