Many of us resolve to make meaningful changes even though we might not label them as New Year's Resolutions. The holiday season offers a unique opportunity for reflection and planning, yet the daily grind often causes us to lose sight of our ambitions. To transform a wish into a concrete goal, it's crucial to understand the process of change, which has six key levels.

Level 1: Self-Awareness 

The first stage requires recognition. This emphasizes the need for change or the desire to develop a new skill. Gaining a new vision and having the desire to succeed sets the foundation for progress. Having self-awareness is the spark that ignites your journey towards achieving your goals. Without it, you will remain stagnant, unable to see the possibilities for improvement and growth. When you acknowledge that change is not only necessary but possible, you will begin to see movement.

Level 2: Willingness to Change 

Many people get stuck at level two which is facing the realization that implementing change is harder than you may have anticipated. Resistance, fear and old habits often resurface. Change driven by desperation fades quickly but change inspired by a strong vision perseveres. When you’re willing to change, you start to overcome the initial discomfort and push through the obstacles. Finding your inner motivation and commitment means you know the journey will have its challenges, but it will also come with rewards that are far more important.

Level 3: Intense Focus 

Intense focus is crucial for building your new habits. Research by the University College London found that it takes an average of 66 days to form a new habit. This is where you put in the most effort, continuously reminding yourself of your goal(s) and pushing forward despite your setbacks. Creating a daily routine reinforces your new behavior until it becomes second nature. It’s essential to stay consistent and dedicated. This step sets up your foundation for long-term success.

Level 4: Commitment 

Consistency fosters commitment to new lifestyles, habits or routines. As results appear, confidence grows, potentially transforming into a lasting inspiration. At this stage, you’ve moved beyond just trying out a new habit; you’re living it. The results start to show, reinforcing your efforts and making the habit a part of your daily life. This commitment is what turns a temporary change into a permanent one, ensuring that your new habits and routines become ingrained within you.

Level 5: Character 

True transformation occurs when your habits and values align with the person you aspire to be. This level signifies a huge change in your life and destiny that defined by your core values. When your new habits have become part of you, they will not only shape your identity but influence your decisions. This level of transformation is the goal, where you’ve not only achieved your resolutions but have also grown as an individual.

Level 6: Accountability and Flexibility 

Accountability means having solid support systems such as mentors, coaches or accountability partners, that help keep you on track. Regular check-ins and feedback will help you stay committed and make necessary adjustments along the way. Flexibility is just as important; it allows you to adapt when you’re faced with challenges. Flexibility allows you to stay resilient and continue progressing, even when things don’t go as planned.

In Closing

Remember, setting and achieving your goals is a journey. By embracing the six levels of change, you can transform your New Year's resolutions into long lasting accomplishments.

Recognizing the need for change, pushing through the initial discomfort, maintaining intense focus and committing to new habits until they become second nature takes time and effort. Your character will evolve, and you'll find that accountability and flexibility are crucial in your progress.

This year and every year, I wish you success, growth and a safe and healthy year. May you embrace these levels to turn your resolutions into reality. Having the right mindset and support system will allow you to meet and exceed your goals. By implementing these six steps you can transform your personal and professional goals and aspirations. Cheers to another successful year!


Kayla McGowan
