Protecting return-to-work individuals who had been restricted from gathering in an effort to minimize the spread of COVID-19, and efforts to reopen public indoor spaces safely have led to a lot of interest in how HVAC systems may be adjusted to reduce the spread of the virus.
It’s not surprising that “pandemic” was one of the most used words in 2020. Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19) has caused a global pandemic that has been devastating in many ways to virtually all countries on earth.
At the time of this writing, we’re starting to see the much-anticipated second wave of COVID-19 infections and deaths due to colder temperatures settling over much of the U.S. and people moving activities indoors.
Find out how the IICRC is helping restoration and cleaning companies amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the latest on standards and certifications, and some exciting things on deck for 2021!
International WELL Building Institute acknowledges GBAC STAR accreditation from ISSA to fulfill the cleaning and sanitization credits within tMore than 3,500 facilities in 81 countries have committed to GBAC STAR accreditation since the program launched in May. he holistic WELL Health-Safety Rating.
Haddonfield schools have purchased handheld ultraviolet (UV) wands and ODOROX hydroxyl generators for all nurse’s offices, which replicate the atmospheric processes that kill bacteria, viruses, and mold.
Hydroxyl generators are cost-effective, and complement physical air filters and the ongoing and commendable efforts of cleaning and decontamination crews.