Tens of thousands of U.S. businesses are gearing up to reopen after being closed down for months, but do they really need to hire a professional to perform deep disinfection services prior to reopening?
GBAC STAR offers a formal approach to cleaning, disinfection, and infection prevention in commercial and public facilities of all sizes, including convention centers, stadiums, restaurants, hotels, and more.
If you don’t take a moment to realize how you’ve changed for the better in the “new normal,” you won’t be able to take advantage of that change when we get back to the old normal.
This document has been prepared by a wide range of experts from the cleaning and restoration industry to assist contractors in managing the risks arising from efforts to mitigate the COVID-19 pandemic.
Never before in history has there been a time when countless numbers of businesses around the world have been forced to shut their doors and close up their buildings.
How are your personal opinions affecting how you serve your customers, interact with your team, and present yourself in general - including on social media, even if it's your private page?
The commercial property modification service provides property owners and property managers with access to over 6,000 licensed and insured contractors globally to modify existing workspaces, creating a safer environment and assisting with social distancing.