There are a lot of reasons the adjuster could be asking for these, and asking the right questions of the adjuster could really help move the job along and get you paid.
There are significant changes in the insurance marketplace in store for restoration contractors in 2019. These changes will adversely affect many restoration firms, some a lot more than others.
Quit asking how to keep your contents team busy in the slow times, and instead learn to generate more consistent work for that department to avoid those slow patches as much as possible.
As the restoration contractor, a client who plans to get the most out of the insurance company through stretching values and being deceitful can put you in a tough place between wanting the customer to be happy and also being honest with the adjuster about what's going on at the loss.
I spent one afternoon this past week reaching out to adjusters to see how they really feel about contents and how they’re handled in insurance restoration. I received the following feedback from some true professionals in the industry.