Wonder Makers Environmental has unveiled a comprehensive program to help cleaning and restoration contractors assist mold sensitized individuals, an approach that involves a full range of services to help prepare contractors to deal with the unique challenges faced by individuals who become reactive to mold exposure.
Climate change, the politically correct term for “global warming,” is upon us and no matter what side of the fence you sit on regarding its causes and solutions, one thing is certain - it is going to be really good for the restoration business.
Do not try to interpret an insurance policy and commit an adjuster by speaking for them. If you work at being the solution partner for both parties involved, you will ensure a win for everyone.
The 2014 event, which is the 16th in the history of the conference, was all about planning, performing and prospering and carried a “Rise Up” theme, fitting for the adversity and subsequent rebuilding that New Orleans went through after Hurricane Katrina hit nearly a decade ago.
On September 4, 2013, the mock trial of Moore v. Heatman went forward at “Cross-Examination: The Live Courtroom Experience” at The Experience Convention in Las Vegas, with the Honorable Judge James Dread (played by Jim Holland) presiding.