Recent flash flooding affected more than 75 homes but the damage to both private and public property does not appear to be severe enough to get immediate federal aid, Lawrence County’s Emergency Management Agency Director Mike Boster told the Lawrence County Commission Thursday.

August 8, 2009 -- Recent flash flooding affected more than 75 homes but the damage to both private and public propertydoes not appear to be severe enough to get immediate federal aid, Lawrence County’s Emergency Management Agency Director Mike Boster told the Lawrence County Commission Thursday. Boster said, he hopes people who have not yet called his office will do so.

Boster said, thus far, he has had 76 reports of damage to houses because of the recent flash flooding. Of those, 60 are classified under Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) regulations as having been “affected” by the flooding, 15 have “minor” damage and one residence is listed as a total loss. Boster said 56 of the 76 reports of damage were in the city of Ironton.

The county needs 25 homes classified as having major damage before being eligible for federal assistance to individuals.