One of the most admirable things about restoration workers is how spontaneous they have to be. When the phone rings and there’s work to be had, they have to get themselves ready to go, whether it’s 6 a.m. or 6 p.m. Now this little bit that I’m about to share certainly isn’t on the same level as the “drop everything and get out to the site” mentality of what restoration professionals have to go through, but we here at R&R and ICS were faced with a bit of a hectic moment last Thursday, about an hour before the exhibit hall was scheduled to open for the first time at Connections in Clearwater Beach. As we were setting up the booth display, we realized that we were missing the poles that held up the display banners. Just as how you can’t pitch a tent without the proper tent poles, we couldn’t hang our display without these vital pieces of equipment.
What to do, what to do?
Realizing that if we didn’t figure out something we would be without booth displays, we decided to improvise. We went upstairs to the registration desk and snatched two lanyards (the cords worn around your neck to show your show credentials). We removed the name tag portion from the lanyard and attached that part around the small hook on our display signs. We then took the rest of the cord and tied it around a support bar that was put up to decorate the show hall. Success!
While this proved to be a good temporary solution, we were able to locate a local distributor and we received the proper poles shortly into the show so our exhibit could be displayed properly.
Stay tuned for a Connections recap later this week.