Let's Bring Families to Trade Shows

From left, three generations of show attendees are represented by Steve Atwood, Melissa L'Espoir Atwood, Ethan Atwood, John L'Espoir, Elliott Atwood, and Sally L'Espoir.
I was aghast the first time I visited the annual trade show known as the South Atlantic Well Water Drillers Jubilee in Myrtle Beach, S.C. When the doors to the expo hall opened, in poured hundreds of families.
Moms pushed strollers, kids collected trinkets from booths and grandparents kicked the tires of massive drilling rigs.
“These people are not buyers,” I reasoned, “so what are they doing at this trade show?”
Upon inquiry, I learned that bringing families to the Jubilee was a time-honored tradition. The family-friendly strategy encouraged drilling pros to wrap a vacation around the show and helped justify their participation.

Fast-forward to 2009 and two disturbing trends.
First, construction-themed event attendance has plummeted faster than shares of GM stock. Some shows are seeing attendance decreases of 30% to 40%.
Second, employers in the trades have struggled mightily to recruit quality workers for years. And the current wave of unemployed or barely working pros surely won’t stimulate talented young people to pursue a career in the trades.
This year, I viewed the families pouring into the Myrtle Beach Convention Center with fresh eyes. I saw a different picture. I now believe inviting families to engage in industry events is the right thing to do.
Here’s why.
More than ever, construction pros need justification during these hard times to attend a business-enhancing trade show, as well as take a vacation. These combo trips are good for their businesses, their industries and their families.
Also, Susie and Johnny are the trades’ best bets for becoming the next generation of quality pros. Those expo-invading kids are being exposed to new products, technology and impressive machinery.
Seeing their parents’ broader industry, not just their worn-out work boots, might encourage them pursue a career in the trades. Let’s face it. We have a surplus of paper-pushing office jockeys (like me) in this country. We need to build the trades.

Meet The L'Espoir/Atwood Family
One booth at the show featured three generations from the same family. Enid Drill Systems from Enid, Okla., has made the Jubilee a family affair for the last seven years.Enid Drill Systems president John L’Espoir is a long-time industry pro and a regular at the show. He and wife Sally celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary during this year’s Jubilee trip.
John’s daughter Melissa L’Espoir Atwood is the company’s vice president and computer/government specialist. She and husband Steve count on their annual Myrtle Beach trip for some much-needed vacation time.
Their sons Ethan and Elliott have been coming to the show since 2002. At first, they just hung out. But now they are greeters and promoters of Enid products. This year they even dressed like Grandpa John.
The boys are excellent candidates to join the drilling industry. If they do, they’ll bring a wealth of experience from years of having seen, handled and promoted Enid’s products. I suspect they’ll get some great job offers.

Education, Credentials Needed to Retain Top Talent
Long-time show manager Jane Kane organizes the Jubilee, now in its 54th year. She said the open-door policy for families brings generations of well drillers together, allowing knowledge to be shared.“The young people bring a special energy to the show, “ Kane said. “They are exposed to the industry’s diversity and new technology, which they may one day bring into the field.”
“This year we hosted a youth forum attended by up-and-coming drillers,” Kane added. “These young professionals expressed a desire for educational opportunities beyond CEUs. They want college-level courses that can lead to a degree, with the opportunity to earn credentials in the drilling field.”
Many trades offer apprenticeship programs, leadership development courses or CEUs. Some even offer credentials that recognize the scholastic achievements of those willing to invest their time, energy and funds.
But how many industry shows invite entire families to participate in expositions and conferences? How many trades support college-level degrees for their members?
Not enough.
I would like to see more shows open up their doors to entire families for one day, or at least several hours. Sure, we’ll have to pack extra pens and candy. But that’s a small price to pay to help attract the next generation of talented pros.
Fresh perspective
August 10, 2009
As a mother of two -- and both a trade show exhibitor and attendee -- this is an interesting idea that makes sense once you get over the initial shock. I can't imagine doing it myself, but I have seen plenty of parents toting kids at some of the green building products trade shows I attend. Thanks for the fresh perspective.
Family Fun
August 11, 2009
I have done this for years . . . in fact, my son had traveled from Victoria, BC to LA to Miami to Maine by the time he was 4 years old, much due to my taking him and my wife to tradeshows I worked and/or attended. We even had a company shirt made for him because he wanted to "be like Dad!" What better compliment can a child give a parent than wanting to be like him/her! One of the biggest benefits I have seen is the way my son has grown to interact with adults . . . then and now, as an aspiring teenager. In fact, I took them with me on every business trip except for one when my son was 4 (and traveled more that year that any), and that year both Mom and son said Dad didn't travel that year. I agree . . . bring the family and have some fun and more importantly . . . some time together!
Getting my wife to attend a trade show
August 14, 2009
I have not been able to get my wife to attend a trade show. She doesn't like the commercial booth at the county fair, either. Visiting booths does not excite her.... but the ASHRAE show is in Orlando next year, so maybe I will be able to get her to go with me... and maybe to the trade show, as well as Disney World.