Every week, Annissa answers questions from R&R readers across the U.S. and Canada. In this special article, she sits down with R&R to answer some of our questions (and yours) about odor removal – and how she has truly become a master at odor remediation throughout her years in business.
Hydroxyl generators have been used for nearly a decade to eliminate smoke odors on countless projects around the world. However, because hydroxyls are so reactive and powerful, there are many other applications in the disaster restoration industry from which contractors are profiting.
Odor removal is arguably one of the trickiest elements of the restoration process. Most damage is visible to the eye, and when it’s properly remediated, there is no argument the job is done.
Coatings are an integral component of fire restoration, most crucially to prevent the recurrence of smoke odor. Coatings implemented post-fire are not finish paints, but can serve as primers while blocking stains and adhering to less-than-ideal surfaces.
In restoration, it is important you understand how to overcome tumaceous situations. Mastering the ability to remove an effluvious or fetid concern will turn you into an instant hero.
Let me set the scene for you. The home in this case study is nestled atop 35 acres of gentle, rolling hills in mid-Missouri. It was built of native cut lumber, harvested from the property, which had not been sealed.