As a mold remediation or indoor air quality specialist, there exists a huge array of products that we have available to us. With so many on the market, what do we need to know about these products in order to perform our function in a professional, effective, and most importantly, safe manner?
This fall RIA will host a summit focused on contents! What makes the Strictly Contents Summit so unique is its offering of two contrasting educational styles: classroom-sessions one day and hands-on training the other.
Reactive drywall, more commonly known as Chinese drywall, was imported from China between 2001 and 2009 due to an American shortage of material. It contained extraneous materials such as sulfur, strontium, and iron. In warmer and more humid climates, this drywall emitted various sulfur gasses that caused copper and other metal surfaces to become black and powdery.
This fall RIA will host a summit focused on contents! The 2018 Strictly Contents Summit will allow attendees to expand their knowledge and participate in hand-on learning.
For decades, scientists have been focused on outdoor air quality. Today, there are regulations in place across the U.S., and around the world, to help keep the atmosphere clean, and reduce smog and other pollution.
Now in its third year, the Technical Conference will offer attendees an inside look at what it takes to work in the niche field of trauma and crime scene cleanup.
For those of us who have accepted the responsibility of biohazard clean-up, there inevitably comes a time when your team will be called to a grizzly trauma scene. Regardless if there was a crime committed, death from natural causes or suicide, the impact and weight of the experience can be profound.
Obtain continuing education credits and advance your professional knowledge with RIA’s September certification courses. For those pursuing their advanced certifications, these courses will provide the education and information you need to prepare.