Cleaning windows affected by fire damage can be very time consuming. If you are lucky enough to get a job where the windows actually lift out or fold in for cleaning, then you’ve got it easier than most of us.
Fire and smoke damage can be one of the most challenging remediation tasks. There’s the actual damage from the fire, which is relatively straightforward, and then there’s the smoke.
Cleaning cabinets after a fire usually means you will more than likely be dealing with a lot of grease and oils built up from cooking and use on top of smoke and soot.
While the common homage to the Wizard of Oz’s “lions and tigers and bears, Oh My!” might be fun, these items are nothing to take lightly when dealing with a fire cleanup scenario.
Contrary to what many may believe, there is more than one type of fire — and the type of fire that occurred will dictate the appropriate cleaning method.
It’s 5:30 a.m. on the morning of Mother’s Day 2015. While most people across the U.S. are fast asleep or pondering, making Mom breakfast in bed, Dana Jennings is answering a call for help from a local restaurant owner.