One would normally not think of a tailgate party for an NFL football game as an appropriate venue for providing inspiration for sage business advice. However, when you bring together some pretty intelligent folks, good food, and a few high-octane beverages, you never know where a conversation might go.
My 5-year-old has been on skates pretty much from the moment he was born. The moment my husband could get him in skates, he did. In the beginning, of course, Levi couldn’t even stand – and often refused to even try.
In the early 2000s, when I was just beginning my career as a restorer, I recall the buzz about the “cloud”. I am by no stretch a “computer geek” but it sounded like something exciting. Wanting to constantly employ the latest technology in all aspects of the business, I ran around the office declaring that we needed a cloud (totally clueless of what that meant).
The disaster restoration industry is moving quickly; many new players and influences are driving changes in technology, labor force, program work, and more.
It doesn’t matter if you’re negotiating with a buyer for a better rate or you’re negotiating with yourself for time and money to put towards self-improvement. In every circumstance, what you can achieve begins with your self-worth.
It is the protection of the policyholder as well as workforce recruiting and retention that presented the balance the committee sought to encompass in one set of rules.
I recently reconnected with a business acquaintance I hadn’t spoken with in quite some time. I met him several years ago at an insurance conference and was very impressed with his company.