As the restoration contractor, a client who plans to get the most out of the insurance company through stretching values and being deceitful can put you in a tough place between wanting the customer to be happy and also being honest with the adjuster about what's going on at the loss.
As a restorer, accounting may not be your favorite thing or perhaps you may have a passion for number crunching; either way, it is a necessity and extends beyond having a balance in the checking account.
The answer to this question is one that has haunted small business owners: cash flow. A company can look good on paper, bringing in consistent revenue and new clients, while still coming up short at the end of the month.
When employees don’t perform as expected, it’s usually for one of two reasons: they don’t know how to do the task correctly or they aren’t motivated to do it.
Cleaning and restoring electronics is a very high profit service to add to your contents cleaning division. While electronics cleaning is not difficult, you will need the right training, equipment and expertise or you could get in over your head really fast and wind up costing yourself a lot of headache and money.
Information seek, be curious, and enjoy the resources available to us as an industry. Never get stuck; somewhere there is guidance, support, or a friend.