I enjoy reading entry level job advertisements for the restoration industry. They remind me of a simpler way of living. Pack a lunch every night, wake up earlier than you want to, perform physical labor before 7 a.m., break for 15 minutes at lunch, and come home tired.
Regardless of whether you’re a longtime service provider or a novice in the industry, disinfection of dangerous pathogens in the healthcare industry can be a daunting task consisting of numerous variables.
The Restoration Industry Association’s (RIA) Advocacy and Government Affairs (AGA) committee has made major strides to build unity within the industry and is moving aggressively to level the playing field for restorers, both legally and financially.
How often are we needlessly touching or moving something? How often do we look for something? How much time is being wasted unnecessarily in additional steps or needing something?
Have you ever tried fixing your own electronics and appliances and ended up with extra parts? In the beginning of my career, I probably broke more electronic equipment than I ever repaired, but over the years I developed the skills needed to properly disassemble electronics and appliances as well as restore them to pre-loss condition.
Hey Standards Committee members: The IICRC will hold its second-annual Standards Summit March 19-20, 2020 in Las Vegas. For more info or to register to save your seat, visit www.iicrc.org/2020StandardsSummit.