As the Glass Fire burns and threatens Napa Valley, CoreLogic’s 2020 Wildfire Risk Report analyzes both single-family and multifamily homes currently at risk of wildfire damage in the most wildfire-prone states.
With nearly 4.5 million U.S. homes in high or extreme risk of wildfire, it’s important to have the proper restoration certifications to give customers peace of mind during wildfire season. The IICRC offers a Fire and Smoke Damage Restoration Technician certification within the restoration division.
Dr. Dannemiller leads the Indoor Environmental Quality research group at The Ohio State University where she studies microbes and chemicals in the indoor environment and their impact on human health.
The AGA is currently working on critical issues including development of the first ever Third Party Administrator (TPA) Scorecard, position papers on working with Third Party Consultants (TPCs), and pricing feedback with Xactimate.
The convenient disinfectant solution from Fiberlock quickly kills the novel coronavirus that causes Covid-19, according to new testing, complementing a complete portfolio of solutions for the toughest disinfectant jobs from ICP.
New CoreLogic report finds homes inside and outside Special Flood Hazard Areas have billions of dollars in uninsured damage exposure, which threatens mortgages and homeownership.