Next Gear Solutions: Through Any Storm, We're Here for You
Editor's Note: This is a note sent to Next Gear Solution customers regarding Hurricane Harvey damage and restoration efforts. See links below for webinars being offered to help in-field and in-office crew members.
As the full scope of Hurricane Harvey comes to light, it’s clear that we are dealing with a disaster of historic proportions. At Next Gear, our hearts go out to everyone affected by this storm. Our thoughts also go out to our many clients who will take on the cleanup and rebuild efforts.
It’s clear to us that the best way we can help with the cleanup effort is by ensuring that our customers have access to the best technical support day and night, our software can handle the increased volume, and every user is properly trained. In light of these goals, here are some things we are going to do:
- Our Help Desk services are available to you 24/7. Rest assured that we will staff up our support team to make sure you get the help you need during this time. Email, call, or chat with us anytime, day or night.
- Monitoring system performance around the clock to make sure everything runs smoothly with the increased volume this type of storm brings our industry. We stand ready to increase system resources to meet heightened demands.
- Webinars are available for anyone interested in brushing up on their software skills before the next few busy weeks. We also want to make sure any new hires or temporary CAT staff feel confident using the software. We are hosting two different webinars offered on either Wednesday, September 6, or Friday, September 8. See below for more information and links to register.
- Field Staff Webinar - This webinar is for anyone working out on the job site and will focus primarily on using the mobile application and DryTrack.
- Office Staff Webinar - This webinar is for administrative employees working primarily from the office. This session will focus on general use of DASH for scheduling, tracking, and completing jobs.