paul davis cancer

Paul Davis Restoration Raises $200,000+ for Child Cancer Fund

August 8, 2017

Paul Davis Restoration Inc.’s team members from the company’s Jacksonville, Fla. headquarters participated in the Third Annual Care-a-Thon helping to raise more than $200,000 for the Child Cancer Fund which provides educational, financial and support services for northeast Florida families facing a child’s cancer diagnosis and treatment.

As a parent of a young child with cancer, Paul Davis’ Laura L. Ferrante, Esq., General Counsel for the North American franchise company, helped to start the non-profit to help guide families through the process of childhood cancer. Ferrante and the Paul Davis team manned the phones during the Care-a-Thon hosted by WOKV radio.

“The Care-a-Thon was an amazing event. During the two-hours on the air while Paul Davis staffers answered phones and texts, we received more than $30,000 in donations,” said Rich Wilson, Paul Davis Restoration Inc.’s President. “We are very proud of our team which helped to meet the fundraising goal of $200,000. We expect additional funds to be calculated when auction amounts are tallied.”

The live broadcast was held on July 21 at Nemours Children’s Specialty Care in Jacksonville. Paul Davis staff members participated in the event with additional volunteers from throughout northeast Florida. Since 2015, the Care-a-Thon has raised much needed donations for the Child Cancer Fund.