
Paul Davis Restoration Provides Tips for Spring Storm Safety

March 15, 2010

Spring is right around the corner, and with it comes the threat of severe weather. Tornadoes, thunderstorms, hail storms and flooding can damage or destroy homes and commercial buildings along with entire neighborhoods within minutes. Paul Davis Restoration, a national franchise company and leading provider of fire and water damage clean up and restoration services for residential and commercial properties, provides consumers with a variety of safety measures that can help to protect yourself and your family when storms strike.

“Nobody likes to cancel an outdoor activity, but when weather looks threatening, remember to put family safety first. Before heading out, turn on your radio or TV to see if a storm watch or warning is issued for your area. Also, have a family and business disaster plan in place,” said J. “Sonny” Bass, Paul Davis Restoration’s Technical Director of Emergency Services. From EarthTimes.com.