As members of the restoration and remediation (R&R) industry, we are in the business of ghost busting. On a daily basis, we battle mysterious, invisible and scary stuff. Most of our foes are imperceptible, being unseeable, untouchable and unsmellable.
Want to catch up on industry-related news, but no time to surf the web? R&R is here to help with this brand, regular new web-exclusive. The headlines you need, all in one place.
Don’t allow your competitors to take your market share, embrace new technology and ensure your business continues to be more efficient and more effective.
Expectations of restoration contractors have been changing for several years, and we are facing a tipping point where fast is no longer fast enough — real-time is all that matters.
In the last year alone, R&R has experienced explosive growth – and that is thanks to YOU! The more you succeed at helping people and restoring lives, the more we can succeed – and continue sharing and creating content that matters to you.
Odors, good or bad, vary vastly from person to person. It is our own perception that governs our sense of smell in the most basic of terms. A more technical overview of our fundamental knowledge of aroma is mediated by the olfactory nerve.