Lisa Lavender's passion for “checking your work,” on an individual and company level, comes from the consequences she has observed when this discipline is lacking. Here, she offers ideas for creating a culture of minimal errors.
Does your mission inspire people to come to work? Does the vision tell people where you want the business to go? Are your core values really the guiding principles that the business uses to manage internal and external relationships? Beyond these, and as an alternative to simply paying significantly higher wages to outbid the competition, elements to consider in creating the differentiation, that uniqueness, are non-traditional benefits.
In this Ask the Expert episode, Leighton Healey, CEO of KnowHow, details the 2022 Restoration Workforce Survey, open through early 2022. Its aim is to answer how the industry can attract and retain qualified workers.
“If the Jon from five years ago has anything further to add, perhaps this idea still has merit: ‘Your office is your second home. Arguably, you spend more time in your workspace with your work peeps than with your actual family, so making it an enjoyable and functional environment should be a priority,’” Jon Isaacson writes.
Associated Builders and Contractors applauded a federal court for granting a nationwide preliminary injunction order against the federal contractor vaccine mandate. The ruling came from the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Georgia.
Even if you don’t believe millennials are ready for the business of restoration, realize that they are already opening businesses and that many restorers are retiring. Consider millennials your peers and help the industry transition well into the future by helping them to succeed in business.
The motivation paradigm is described as the reasons we do the things we do in the manner we do them. Over the years, I have taken the position that money does not motivate, nor is it necessarily an effective tool that creates desired outcomes. Appreciation ranks higher than money, believe it or not, when it comes to motivation, Lisa Lavender writes.
Through Field Notes, we look forward to sharing the stories of the industry’s most driven, engaged and innovative technicians. We are eager to consistently shed light on their ideas, pain points, motivators, paths to restoration and more. In doing so, we hope to help shrink the gap between C-suite and frontline. We hope to help give these unsung heroes a real seat at the proverbial table and a stronger voice in the future of the industry.
ABC released a statement in response to the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division’s final rule increasing the minimum wage on federal contracts from $10.95 to $15 per hour beginning in early 2022, superseding a scheduled increase to $11.25 that will occur on Jan. 1.
The U.S. Department of Labor announced a final rule that implements Executive Order 14026 to increase the hourly minimum wage to $15 for employees on federal contracts beginning Jan. 30, 2022.