With the national state of emergency regarding Covid-19 potentially coming to an end, we take a snapshot look at how the Restoration and Remediation Industry has navigated thus far.
BluSky Restoration Contractors, LLC, a leading national property restoration company in the U.S., continues to expand its presence with the opening of its newest office in the Minneapolis, Minnesota area.
Joining a new industry is humbling. Being an outsider in an environment teeming with insiders who’ve been engrained for years and know it like the back of their hand is humbling. But to flip challenge into opportunity, I believe that just as growing up in this industry or spending decades here brings irrefutable value, an outside-in lens does.
FIRST ONSITE U.S. CEO and Founder Stacy Mazur discusses this major partnership, the mergers and acquisition trend in the industry, and future plans for this company as they build quickly toward being a billion dollar brand serving North America.
A&J Property Restoration, a member company of DKI, has announced that they are expanding with a new, full-service location in Milwaukee, Wis., starting June 15, 2017.