2018 was a historic year for ASR Property Restoration, not only in growth, but it was also the year that we became experts in cleaning schools after wildfires, and became heroes to our local school districts, the parents, and our community. ASR Property Restoration, with a full-time staff of 70 people who were already busy, restored, cleaned, deodorized, and set equipment in over 50 schools from two separate wildfires in our county.
In advance of Monday’s Earth Day celebrations, Interstate Restoration helped hundreds of volunteers plant small evergreen trees in the fire-ravaged Sunshine Canyon outside of Boulder, Colo.
It goes without question the use of drones – both in business and for recreation – has truly taken off over the last few years. Now equipped with technology like cameras, thermal imaging capabilities, and even computers, drones are being used in industries across the board.
California's biggest utility provider, rallied nearly 10% Tuesday after the company reported it has lined up $5.5 billion to fund its bankruptcy, which is linked to last November's deadly California wildfire.