Critical Control Restoration, a family-owned restoration company located in Northern California has been running a donation drive for the communities affected by the Park Fire up in Chico, CA. The wildfire, already the largest wildfire in California this year and the 4th largest in California’s history has displaced hundreds of residents already. Many of these residents are without home, and in need of supplies. 

As an experienced CAT response company, Critical Control normally attends several catastrophic events yearly. This one hit close to home. “In every [CAT] event we attend we always figure out how to help the local communities. Whether it’s volunteering, or doing pro-bono wildfire and remediation services it’s a big part of who we are as a company. This event felt personal since it’s so close to us and we wanted to do something even more special.” says Zac Copper, Owner of Critical Control. 

The company posted on local social media groups, letting community members know they would be running trucks up to the fire to drop off much needed supplies. The posts galvanized action and soon the donations came pouring in. “We received over 30 drop off donations from our local community. It was amazing to see the turn out from just 1 social media post, and that so many people 4 hours away from the fires were still wanting to help out.” says Jacqueline Copper, Operations Manager. Donations continued to pile up from Aramsco, and local businesses as well. “Super touched and cool to see us all pull together, proud of where we work and how supportive everyone is.” says Jacqueline. 

All in all, over 2 entire truckloads of donations including medical supplies, pallets of water, clothes, food, pet supplies have been donated and dropped off to the Salvation Army up in Chico. Zac says “and we are still getting donations coming in every day. Keep it coming and we’ll keep trucking”.