Water loss events are emergencies that present competing demands: responding rapidly and providing comprehensive documentation. It’s difficult – if not, impossible – for technicians to plan comprehensively before water mitigation projects. They have to spring to action and get their hands dirty immediately – all while capturing a broad range of information to ensure they meet project needs.

There are solutions out there that help water mitigation technicians navigate these competing demands during a water loss efficiently and with confidence. Field documentation tools – workflow applications that help ensure that technical drying data is accurately and efficiently captured –  can make a world of difference in a number of ways. Overall, the right technology can transform the way technicians work, in turn increasing both revenue and customer satisfaction for property restoration companies.

As you evaluate field documentation technology, make sure that the solution you choose does the following:


1. Provide process control. 

Field documentation technology should give managers control over processes in the field, ensuring consistency in documentation completion in the field, from one project to the next. It will drive field technicians to achieve accuracy, consistency, and efficiency from the beginning to the end of every water mitigation job. 

The ideal water loss documentation solution will allow managers to set up intuitive, repeatable workflows for field technicians. This technology should provide a centralized platform for filling out forms and attaching documentation – directly from their mobile devices – that is necessary to get compensated for work. In turn, managers avoid traditional time consuming processes for finding information and there is a better guarantee that contractors get paid on time.


2. Facilitate standardization and compliance. 

Your field documentation technology should be built for all forms of compliance, including legal regulations and requirements laid out in service level agreements with partners and other partners. With the right solution, businesses implement workflows to guarantee projects will automatically meet all compliance requirements. 

The best field documentation technology will be integrated with ANSI/IICRC S500 guidelines and recommendations so it will guide technicians to meet industry requirements regarding equipment sizing and Categorization. The right tool will monitor job progress and inform technicians when Standard of Care (SOC) compliance issues are present in their documentation. This way, technicians can address compliance tasks as soon as they are relevant.

3. Satisfy both new and more experienced technicians.

When you look for a field documentation tool, seek one out that will not only be easy to deploy, but one that technicians will actively enjoy using. It should be a technology solution that truly simplifies the process of onsite documentation. It will have a user interface that will allow them to complete documentation one-handed while they are stuck in tight crawl spaces, for example. 

Ideally, your field documentation tool will also aid in the training of new technicians. It will provide step-by-step instructions for how to complete documentation as they move through jobs. As we mentioned previously, it will provide a consistent method and a centralized location for capturing drying data. This way, there is no confusion around how to complete or where to store forms and other documentation. 

4. Reduce time technicians spend on manual tasks.

While also being easy to use,   your field documentation technology should be technically sophisticated so that it saves users time and effort. It will automate certain processes so that technicians don’t spend precious onsite time completing manual, administrative tasks. Your perfect field documentation technology will be embedded with features like room scanning and AI auto tagging, for example. 

With a room scanning feature on a field documentation mobile application, a technician simply needs to scan an area on their device and a room plan with accurate dimensions will instantly generate. This eliminates the need to  manually draw floor plans. With AI photo tagging, a solution will automatically populate photographs of structures with descriptions so that technicians don’t have to caption photographs themselves. This not only saves time for onsite professionals, but it guarantees accuracy by eliminating the potential of human error that often comes with manually logging details. 

Turning to CoreLogic for your field documentation technology

CoreLogic is excited to announce the official launch of CoreLogic® Restoration | Mitigate™, a brand new field documentation application for water mitigation technicians. Built on the foundation of the industry leading process documentation platform MICA, Mitigate is the next step in the evolution of water mitigation process documentation software.

Historically, the water loss documentation process has been cumbersome and burdensome. The need to collect tremendous amounts of technical data with accuracy and efficiency is a challenge, at best. This is why CoreLogic has reimagined the workflow so that documentation is now a smoother part of the water mitigation job process. Mitigate is a tool that alleviates stress both for managers and technicians during what are otherwise tense, emergency situations.

To learn more about Mitigate, click here.