BluSky Restoration Contractors LLC appointed Simone Kelly to the newly-created position of vice president of leadership development.

“Simone is formalizing our long-term strategy for developing leaders,” said BluSky CEO Drew Bisping. “Her talent for thoughtfully upskilling people will prepare our current and future leaders to deliver on our overall strategies.”

Kelly previously spent three years at Kenco Group leading the company’s learning and development programs. There, she drove strong initiatives for executive and high potential development opportunities. Prior to Kenco, she served in organizational development roles at Aflac, USAA, and NCR Corp.

In her role at BluSky, Kelly will assess what types of leaders are needed to deliver on the firm’s corporate strategy, examine current leadership capabilities, and create development paths to ensure individuals are ready to lead at the desired level when they are needed.

“I love finding ways to optimize a company’s talent base and developing forward-thinking employees,” Kelly said. “The end goal is propelling the company into the future with a first-class team of leaders.”