Nia Sherrema Pearson is founder of Marketing 4 Real Results, a marketing agency that serves restoration businesses across the country. In this episode of Ask the Expert, Sherrema Pearson shares out-of-the-box digital and traditional marketing approaches. Examples include text communication, community involvement, and relationships with plumbers and property managers. She covers basics like a Google presence and ADA compliance, as well as how to stand out, highlighting that any marketing strategy should start with the unique goals of the business. 

This episode covers:

  • The story behind a marketing agency tailored to property restoration businesses
  • Common marketing challenges and assumptions restoration companies face
  • Formalizing any restoration business from the beginning, including systems
  • Marketing basics every restoration company should be implementing
  • Things restoration businesses can do to stand out with their marketing strategy
  • Website ADA compliance as an important, often-overlooked aspect of digital marketing
  • Marketing to a variety of stakeholders including policyholders, other trades and the insurance industry 
  • When to embrace an outside agency versus an internal team to handle marketing 
  • Digital marketing tips
  • How becoming IICRC certified as a water restoration technician has helped Sherrema Pearson better serve clients 

Check out this episode of Ask the Expert to learn more. You can watch the video here or listen to the audio version of our conversation here. You can also find our show on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Just search for Restoration & Remediation Ask the Expert, then hit Follow.