GrayWolf Sensing Solutions’ DirectSense II probes will now connect via Bluetooth LE wireless to Apple and Android devices. The DSII probes for indoor air quality (IAQ) and toxic gas testing/monitoring will imminently have apps for iOS and Android operating systems available for free on the Apple and Google App stores. 
Users can leverage their smartphone or tablet as a multi-parameter display, data-logger and more. They can choose from over 25 smart indoor air quality, green building, industrial hygiene, and HVAC sensors including TVOCs (PID), carbon dioxide (NDIR), ozone (electrochemical), CO, NO2, NH3, SO2, NO, Cl2, H2S, HCN, HCl, O2, H2, %RH, °C/°F and many others. Each probe accommodates from two, up to eight, true plug-and-play sensors into a single handheld, desktop, or wall-mounted housing. 
As monitoring IAQ parameters is a core application for GrayWolf, extensive development effort was put into assuring that the sensor smartboards would not introduce noise or degrade accuracy, stability, or limits of detection (LODs) for the convenience of end-user swappable sensors. Users can store “snapshot” logs during walk-throughs or set up logging over time at the interval of their choice on the smartphone. Up to eight real-time readings can be displayed simultaneously. Trend graphs can be viewd onscreen as well. 
On-board educational info will be added soon, such as help videos, sensor, and feature tips. The same DirectSense II probes can additionally interface to alternative platforms to simultaneously support parameters such as high-accuracy particulates, differential pressure and air velocity.