New Source Network (NSN) was founded in 2010 by a few of the leading independent distributors in the country after realizing there were better ways to operate a buying group and to be transparent to its members while offering the end user competitive pricing with the service they have come to expect and deserve.  

NSN's primary goal is to create a source of distribution for cleaning and restoration contractors that can offer them supplies and equipment at prices that are competitive with the corporate/investor owned companies but give them the family owned and operated service that big "box stores" cannot. They realized that the customers that keep them in business are the independently owned and operated cleaners and restorers and truly believe that customers are partners rather than numbers. The hurdle has been getting people to realize you can buy your products a fair prices and also get the best service as typically in the past it has been one or the other. 

New Source Network has grown to 27 locations across the country including presence in Canada and they are adding members monthly as other independent supply houses have seen the value in being able to bring in product lines that they wouldn't be able to without the strength of NSN.  When one or two stores approach a manufacturer to become a distributor and get competitive pricing, it is much tougher than if almost 30 stores approach a manufacturer. These savings are passed down to the contractor all while maintaining the same small business service.

What separates NSN suppliers from some of the big names is not only service but experience. There are multiple locations with second generation industry men and women working in the stores every day rather than having a handful of "product specialists" across the whole company you are getting product specialists in every single store and most of them are also decision makers so no manager over rides needed in NSN locations.  New Source suppliers also rely on each other for inventory help, product support and tech help when needed. Even though they are each independently owned they work as a team and have really become a family. 

NSN suppliers have a true passion for this industry and know where it began as a lot of the members were involved when it all started and though it is ever changing and corporate acquisitions are happening daily, relationships are replaced by numbers and product knowledge is a lost art they want to make sure that this industry doesn't get completely taken over by big corporations because like their clients this is more than a business it is there life. 

So when you see the bright green NSN logo you know that you are shopping with a local family owned and operated business that has the contractors needs in their best interest and are looking for business partners and relationships rather than today's quick sales.

NSN is headquartered out of Fort Myers, Fla., and ran by Matt Nelson who also owns Excel Cleaning & Restoration Supplies with a whole team of members that stand with him and have helped grow this group to where it is. New Source has been able to create a true one stop shop for cleaners and restorers nationwide offering custom box trucks, fleet vehicles and all of the chemicals,equipment and supplies that the professional cleaners and restorers need to get the job done. They have somehow been able to do this all while giving the customer the service and support one would expect from a family owned and operated business.