The IICRC continues to grow as it works toward building name recognition for the inspection, cleaning and restoration industries.
Standards Under Revision
The latest edition of the IICRC/ANSI S500 Water Damage Restoration Standard introduced last year continues to grow in popularity. The new edition of the IICRC S520 Mold Remediation Standard continues to move toward ANSI Accreditation and is expected to be ready for publication and distribution in the next couple of months. Work has begun on the next revision of the IICRC S100 Carpet Cleaning Standard, with expected publication toward the end of 2007.Certification is Growing
Many insurance companies are strongly recommending IICRC Certified Technicians and Firms for restoration and remediation services on their property loss claims. The IICRC Water Restoration Technician (WRT) certification continues to be one of the fastest growing certification categories, as does the Applied Structural Drying (ASD) category. Work is moving forward on the development of a certification program for Applied Sewage Remediation Technicians (ASRT) as IICRC continues to address industry needs and requests for specialized certification training. This new program is intended to complement the Applied Microbial Remediation Technician (AMRT) course.Constant Revision of Exams
The IICRC has a Technical Advisory Committee for each certification category. These TACs are made up of practicing technicians, instructors, and industry experts with specialized knowledge. Each TAC monitors the industry and reviews the IICRC training curricula and exams with an eye to revise and upgrade all IICRC certification training as new techniques and technology comes on the scene. Currently the Fire and Smoke Restoration (FSRT) and Water Restoration (WRT) exams are being updated. Once the TAC has completed its revision work, the exam is presented to the IICRC Certification Council and board of directors for approval. Each IICRC-approved school and instructor must submit new updated training materials and manuals showing that the latest changes are reflected in their training. This program helps ensure that all IICRC certification training is current with the latest industry technology.Include Your Web Site With Your Listing
One of the benefits to being an IICRC Certified Firm is the opportunity to receive referrals from the IICRC Web site. Many companies don’t realize that if they provide their Web site address, a direct link can be set up from the IICRC referral system to their Web site. This way, consumers getting your name and number from the IICRC site can go directly to your company site for more information about your services. It is a definite advantage to make sure your company web site address is provided to the IICRC. You can update your records by sending an e-mail toinfo@iicrc.orgor calling (360) 693-5675.Improved Public Recognition
Inquiries have been received from TV network news programs, cable TV home improvement and maintenance shows, from newspapers across the country, and from shelter magazines. The IICRC has been featured in several “emergency response” news segments in areas where severe weather or storms have hit. IICRC public relations and marketing specialists have prepared several press releases and articles that are available for IICRC Certified Firms to download and use in their own promotion efforts.The IICRC wishes to thankRestoration & RemediationMagazine for allowing this space for regular updates on IICRC activities and benefits. Watch this column for the latest up to date information from the IICRC.