Last month, the Indoor Air Quality Association launched the most robust online education program ever created for the IAQ, cleaning and restoration industries. The program, IAQA University Online, now offers 50 one-hour online courses on wide variety of IAQ issues.
The first series of 50 courses is dubbed the “100” series. These are perfect for individuals seeking to expand their knowledge of a particular IAQ topic, earn credits toward certification renewal, or to train employees regarding many aspects of IAQ.
Toward the end of 2011, IAQA plans to roll out the first in the “200” series of courses – courses designed for those seeking more advanced education on specific indoor environmental issues. A “300” level series is planned for 2012 as well. IAQA will work with a variety of subject matter experts in creating the 200 and 300 series.
“The IAQA University will have classes for everyone: those wanting to learn a little about indoor air quality all the way up to industry professionals seeking continuing education credits. Classes will predominately be online, but it is anticipated they will also be taught through the IAQA local chapters and perhaps as a pre-conference program before the annual meeting,” Cull said.
For more information about IAQA University Online, including detailed course descriptions and online registration, visit www.iaqa.org.